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Raise the Bell

95 Supporters
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Join in the opportunity to carry tradition forward.

Generations of alumni have been welcomed, celebrated, and commemorated by the ringing of the bell from this historic tower. The physical structure and its indelible image is deeply planted in the mind and memories of all who have been part of the Lincoln Academy community.

As the most recognizable part of the oldest structure on campus, the tower and its bell represent the close connection between our 220 year traditions and the current community that assembles each school day on the campus. This campaign will focus on preserving the physical tradition of the bell tower and bell. In addition, portions of the funds will establish an archives endowment, dedicated to preserving historical archives and the oral traditions of the school. Naming opportunities include: Bell Restoration Pilar Sponsorship, Rope Sponsorship, Belfry Sponsorship, Cupola Sponsorship, Weathervane Production Sponsorship.

Support for the Bell

Thank you to the Class of 1973 for their 50th anniversary class gift helping us launch the Raise the Bell campaign! **All donations $1,000 and above will be honored on a commemorative plaque.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $ 1000.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 75.00

  • - $ 2500.00

  • - $ 25.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 1500.00

  • - $ 250.00

  • - $ 300.00

  • - $ 2500.00

  • - $ 1000.00

  • - $ 1000.00

  • - $ 250.00

  • - $ 250.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 25.00